Fearless Fly flies.

I was having a conversation with my girlfriend Vicky this morning, via the phone, both of us half asleep, about time; about how some days it drags and others it flies…today belongs to the former. It leads me into all sorts of bizarre thoughts, for example – Wikipedia. I’m guilty of this myself, turning to […]

Bacon sandwich

“if a man begins with certainties he shall end in doubts” – Franny Bacon. It’s a good motto that, he also said it was vice versa…ending in certainties, if you wait long enough. On a completely different tack…that old fox Heaney, fancy such a well renowned weaver of verse citing the Dandy’s fave moggy – […]



welcome one and all to the ugly bug ball, bugs welcome of all shapes, sizes and denominations!

well here’s a thing! just when you think something will never happen it does, laws of … we need a new law for this.

‘The law of not focusing’ I’ll call it, its a bit like watching the kettle boil or not, or waiting for the post to arrive. Soon as you decide to run the bath the phone rings. Stop thinking about it…whammo (can I say that on a blog? I’ll check). Well its seems whammo is going to stand.

I’m not going to tell you specifically what I’m talking about as this might spoil the new law (see above). In fact I’m going to shut up now. And move on to the truth…ah the spectacular misnomer…the truth is a like a shooting star, you can spend all night looking for it in the sky and just as you turn your back to say hello to the cat it whizzes over the night sky like a beautiful diamond scar across the blackness.

and lies? lies are everywhere, they don’t matter, don’t worry about them just worry about yourself…about being eaten away with minutiae and tedium. the world will right itself.

finally… Goldsmiths I’m on my way (see above photo).